Plant based vegan Diet Made Easy

A vegan diet and a plant-based diet both focus on animal-product-free eating. Is a plant-based diet vegan? There are some minor differences, but nothing really to worry about. A vegan always eats 100% plants, and so should someone who calls themselves plant-based, at least most of the time. That is why I often use the terms interchangeably.

Eating this way is nothing new, in many parts of the world, especially in Asia, people have always avoided meat and dairy. Pytagoras, the mathematitian, started a vegan movement a long time ago where the participants were not supposed to eat animals or harm them in any way, Buddha ate this way, and many other important people in history.

How to go plant based? How do I become vegan? This is something many ask me because they know I have been vegan, whole-food plant-based style, for over 15 years now. 

vegan breakfast

How I eat? Occasionally I take a few raw food days or do some cleansing or detoxing, but most of the time it is just clean whole plant foods on my menu. Fruit in the morning, nuts and seeds, nut butters, nut milk, vegetables, salads and some grains later on in the day.

And I can tell you that being vegan is definitely something that has helped me do well in life, stay young and happy throughout the years - plus even become pregnant naturally at the age of 44. While becoming pregnant without fertility treatment at that age is not so common, it is a result of my healthy habits and mainly my way of eating - as I don't do an excessive amount of sports. So yes, I would say that after 15 years of eating this way, it really works and is worth it. Even if you are only starting now, do it! Because the physical changes come fast. And it is better for the planet and the animals. So what are you waiting for?

I'm Antonia Nyberg, certified health coach specializing in plant-based nutrition. I help people who want to know how to safely go vegan. I also work with mothers wanting their families to switch over to a plant-based lifestyle.

One question I've heard quite a number of times: "How do you become vegan? Isn't it hard?". And to that, I like to say, "Not really, but you do need a bit of planning, knowledge, and most of all, determination". Knowing that this will be the best change you can make for yourself is good to keep in mind.

Me Health coach

Vegan Cleanse Diet

My 3-month program, Thrive, is all about the plant based diet, for beginners. What to buy, what and how to cook, how to plan your meals, and, of course, how to thrive on this amazing journey.

On this site, you can find my online programs, all of which are 100% vegan. In addition to Thrive I have a 2-week plant-based cleanse, a 30-day vegan program, a 14-day raw vegan diet program, and lots of information related to eating well and cruelty-free. I give advice on how to eat in a balanced way, how to get all the nutrients your body needs, how to make the transition as painless as possible, and also on raising vegan kids, as I raised one myself. He is now 22 years old and doing great. I am going through a vegan pregnancy at the moment. I'm expecting a lovely baby girl, so I have also studied up on the best vegan diet for pregnancy.

the easiest way to go vegan?

Let's dive in to some common topics that are often concerns when making big diet changes. 

What is the easiest way to go vegan?

The easiest would problebly be to do it gradually. Another option would be to take a short cleanse program first and then start.

Why should you do this, what are some plant based diet benefits?

Benefits for you would be greater health and mental clarity as well as a feeling of lightness that only those who have lived like this for years can relate to.

good toast for clean eating

There is a study made on adult twins (The Twin Study, You Are What You Eat by Stanford University), where one twin switched to a plant-based vegan diet, and it showed that the twin who did this changed physically in many positive ways in just two months.

How to go plant based on a budget?

This is tricky becuase you should ideally be buying lots of fresh vegetables and fruits and organic grains and nuts. But just do the best you can. If that is buying everything in your nearest discount store, then do it. 

What is raw? What is whole foods?

A raw vegan diet would be one that doesn't include cooked foods; a whole foods diet doesn't include any processed foods. It depends on how strict you want to be when it comes to things like this. Technically you should not be using any oils on a whole foods diet, because they are processed, but hey, don't they say olive oil is healthy, and it is used by people who live long? So I would say, make your own choices. The most important is that you stick to eating healthy.

A big part of feeling well comes from eating well. We are definitely affected by what we put into our bodies. That is why we need to make good choises when it comes to this part of our lives. 

How is a plant based or vegan diet healthier than other ways of eating?

Leaving out meat and replacing it with vegetables, legumes and salads sure is healthier than for example making a habit of having steak, bacon, sausage and even chicken for dinner...

But do make sure you also think about the fact that take out greasy fast food meals, even though they might not contain any meat, still are probably not very healthy for you. especially the gallbladder suffers when you eat a lot of fatty foods.

Vegan Diet for Kids

I believe that taking good care of our children and feeding them well is the most important factor in making sure that this world will be going into the right direction. We also have to take good care of ourselves, so we are able to be great parents. On this site you will find recipes for your family and I also run a culinary program, where you learn how to cook and prepare meals using healthy ingredients.


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