children's meal plan - Healthy Meal Plans for Kids ON THE Vegan Diet

A plant-based children's meal plan? Look no further. We can make some for you. 

A diet plan for kids can take a while to come up with yourself and often it is better if a nutritionist helps, since a lot of careful planning in involved.

We offer a 7 day vegan personalized children's meal plan where you will give us information about your child or children and then we get to work. We also make 21 day plans and for 6 week diet plans. You decide which lenght seems best to you. Great kid-friendly recipes and lots of tips included. 

If you've never been someone who loves cooking, this could be for you. Or if you do love it when there is time like during the weekend for example, but we all know there isn't always enough time during the weekdays to get three nutritious meals on the table.

Well, with these plans you'll learn how to serve healthy plant-based food without it being too complicated and time consuming. Contact to order.

Healthy Meal Plans for Kids

Planning our kid's meals is very important. But now you don't have to do it by yourself anymore! We plan and you prepare the meals, deal?

And don't worry, the recipes are so easy that even someone who isn't used to spending much time in the kitchen can do it.

From now on you won't ever again have to worry that you aren't feeding your kids well! Instead you can focus on being a great parent, OK?

But what is actually good for our children?

And in what proportions?

Well, it's not always what you would think.

For example, gulping down a few glasses of milk a day isn't as good for kids as we once thought.


Then you probably need to watch Dr.Hyman's video:

Im Antonia by the way, vegan nutrition coach. I love helping people from all walks of life. I used to be a "family worker" for the state, which is kind of like a social worker - very similar actually but maybe even more hands-on. After that I worked at a detox retreat and then became a health and nutrition coach.

While working as a family worker, once I saw a weekly family meal plan on the fridge in one of my client's home, and it didn't look very uplifting...

All processed food. And every day of the week the meal included meat of some sort.

The only day where she actually had to cook a bit and not just put something in the oven or microwave was the day they were going to have chicken with rice.

Another family I helped a long time ago had a child who was unusually active and often very impatient, but the doctors hadn't figured out what exactly he had yet.

When I saw what he ate, I thought to myself "Wow.. I wonder why the mother doesn't study a little bit about the diet and ADHD connection?".

Another family I used to work for, probably 10 years ago or so, had the same challenge. The boy was hyper active and on strong medication. The mom was a cake designer, made huge colorful creations for parties, and because she made so much cake daily, the boy was also allowed to have a piece of her cake almost every day. This just seemed wrong to me somehow, giving him sugar and artificial food colorings. That is not him on the picture, but he looked very similar actually.

junk food not good

(if you are interested in the connection between food dye and ADHD, see this article)

I guess it all boils down to lack of nutritional knowledge, too much trust in conventional medicine and too little trust in the amazing bodies that we have.

All of this made me think that sometime in the future I need to come up with a way to help parents by making awesome plant-based childrens meal plans, and now I have! I got  with a team of dietitians and nutritionists and we are doing this together.

Are children eating healthy these days?

It depends! Some are, some might not be. The question could also be: are we feeding kids the right way?

Some have cereal for breakfast, chocolate milk and pasta in school, mac n cheese or chicken nuggets when they get home. That right there is not the most nutritious diet.

Others might have oatmeal and fruits and berries, vegan coconut yogurt or maybe chia seed pudding in the morning, rice and beans or veggie patties for lunch, a salad and a vegetable soup at night. That is healthier.

So it often mostly depends on what food choices the family is making. What is it that they often say... 'it starts at the grocery store'.

Even though we might be talking about healthy eating for quite young children here, I will still tell you a little bit about my son because it relates to what I said earlier. He eats something like the second option I described above, just more fruits. And that is great of course and he is rarely sick. You can do the same for your children with a really good weekly meal plan.

A Plant-Based Children's Meal PLan You Really will LIke

Just contact me if you want one made for your child, taking into consideration age, height, activity level, allergies and everything else that is relevant.

My meal plans will also fit kids and families who need to keep their weight under control. There are no meals there that have sugar or wheat in them, which according to the latest research are the two big contributors when it comes to putting on fat.

I've decided to only focus on clean, real ingredients.

I feel that the new generation needs to be protected from all of the craziness that is going on in the food industry.

That way your kids will stay healthy and lean and avoid adult onset diabetes and a lot of other nasty stuff.

So in a way, eating right is the best health insurance your child could ever get!


Leave a comment or question for me here :)

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