Natural Children's Vitamins

Looking for natural childrens vitamins? Well, you are on to something, because natural is the way to go.

But we also have to think about that the amount of vitamins our kids absorb depends a lot on how healthy or clean their GI-tract is. If their gut for example happens to have too much mucous in it that sticks to it's wall (because the child regularly eats and drinks dairy), then there will be malabsorption issues.

In this case it would be good to first look over the diet of the child and get it fixed. Then supplement if needed. But on the other hand, of course you can still give supplements while you are working on the diet too.

But why is natural always best? Because it can be hard to believe, but some vitamin pills contain chemicals that aren't at all good for us - we think we are making a healthy choice by buying them when in reality we are not...  (

I recommend supplements that are actually real food. Made of food. Something like a super food blend. I write more about that here.

Some parents decide that buying vitamin fortified cereals, cookies and juices is the way to up their children's nutrition intake. The only issue there is that the vitamins the food manufacturer use to add to their products are of very low quality.

So it would be wiser to buy a quality natural childrens vitamin and mineral supplement.

But of course the most important thing will always be to feed them as healthy as possible - we cannot rely on vitamin supplements alone to provide all the nutrients our children need.

I will tell you where you can get the best natural ones. But I also have to say, that don't think that you can feed your kids a less healthy diet just because you are giving them high quality natural vitamins for kids.

Nutrition always comes first. There is no guarantee that the vitamins in pills is absorbed as effectively as if your children would get those same vitamins from fruits. Also, there is are several new huge studies that have come to the conclusion that we all need to up our fruit intake. Read about that here if you wish:

Nevertheless when it comes to natural childrens vitamins,

here is a very good one. They are very popular, so hope you can catch them at a time when they are not out of stock. But if you don't, I would recommend the vitamin powder below. It is totally okay to use it for a little older kids too, even you could have some if you like!

And if you are interested in a supplement for the very young ones, this is what I would recommend:

I hope this helped you when trying to find the best vitamins. if you need any other help or have any questions, just contact me. I'm a certified health coach and know a lot when it comes to nutrition for kids.


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