easy vegan meals for kids

cut up veggies

Easy vegan meals for kids - food kids will eat!

Today we can try out some super easy recipes, so easy that your child can make them too!

When it comes to food kids like - meals that kids will actually eat, it really depends on your children and on what they are used to and what they already like.

Because no child is the same or will love the exact same food. But having some fun with them in the kitchen will often make them more interested in eating the food at home.

That why I think we should look at some easy recipes kids can make with you.

Why not try this recipe with your little ones today:


Materials Needed:

2 cans tomatoes (cans of 400 grams each)

½ cup chopped cucumber (about 65 grams)

1 clove garlic

½ small onion, diced

Juice from 1 lime

A handful of fresh cilantro

Salt and pepper to taste


This recipe is super simple, just add all ingredients to a blender and pulse until mixed well. Make the prepping a bit more involved by teaching ways to peel, chop, and measure each ingredient. While chopping the onion might sting a bit in the eyes, chopping the garlic and cucumber should be easier. Talk about what each element is going to add to the flavor of the salsa.

Bonus: set aside half of the batch to add a mystery ingredient such as pineapple or mango, see if the child can identify the taste.

Eat with some tortillas or soft flat bread.

You might also like to bake some yummy cookies with your children, try these: Vegan Oatmeal Cookies

Plant based Healthy meals Kids Will Eat

Some kids will eat anything if you add their favorite ingredient, maybe soy sauce or ketchup - or it could even be strawberries! Others are more picky than that.

But the meals in my meal plans are kid-tested, so most kids should be happy having those meals. Your child might even love them, who knows!

I know many children, including my son, who loves all of the food on the Healthy Meals Kids Will Eat plans.

You can sign up for them when they are ready, I'll let you know.

Good and Easy Vegan Meals for Kids

But what is a good meal?

I would say, something that isn't processed too much. A plant-based meal using good ingredients.

I usually put carrots and cucumbers on the side of my son's plate. Often, he only eats a few and gives me the rest. But if I make a nice dip with avocado, he will almost always eat all of it and ask for more when finished, if there is still some avocado dip left.

Some kids like carrots though. One 3 year old I know, loves them. Baby carrots are easy for young children to eat. The nutrients found in carrots are also good for the skin and the eyes.

If your child likes some specific vegetable, take advantage of that and give it to him every day! At one point, my son liked oranges a lot as well as passion fruit. I bought it every day for weeks. After that he started with soemthing else, so it is good to take advantage of that window in time when they like something a lot. I know from myself also, sometimes I really want something every day, like yellow kiwis for example.

Then I tend to forget about it for a while, until i start again. Kiwis are good to eat every day by the way, super good for our cells. If you can get your child to have some kiwi often, maybe in a smoothie, it would be great.

Here you can check out some more healthy meals for kids.

Vegetables and pieces of fruit are really good to have in front of you when you watch a movie or when you do something else that is passive.

When my son was younger, something he loved was celery. I usually forgot to buy it on a regular basis, but I know I should have! Because he ate that without any complaints and even sometimes asked for more or went to the fridge to get some himself.


Have you ever heard someone say that the more colorful your food is, the more nutritious it is?

The reason is that the phytos that are so healthy for us and do their little miracles in our body, are the pigments (different colors) of the fruits and veggies.

The more colorful the fruit is, the more phytonutritents are present in that fruit.

Phytos or phytonutrients are very powerful...

•    They protect your blood vessels
•    Helps improve your eye-sight
•    Helps the immune system

We are so lucky the supermarkets are full of colorful vegetables and fruits that are so good for our health. 


Better for older kiddos, but can be modified to fit any age!

Materials Needed: Pen and Paper

Instructions: Challenge your kiddo to write a breakfast or lunch recipe that sounds good to them.

If your child can't write yet, you can have them draw a plate of food instead and encourage them to think about what ingredients they would need to make it.

You can then take them to the store to buy the ingredients and once back home you can make the dish together! This is a fun activity that most children love.

Finally you both get to try out their creation and i bet they will be proud of it. Take a picture with your child holding up the drawing and the plate of food for the camera.


Leave a comment or question for me here :)

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