Gluten Free Diet for Kids

A gluten free diet for kids? Is it difficult? Most dietary changes are a bit of a hassle, but very needed also. So if you have been told it is better for your child not to eat wheat or other gluten-grains, do listen to that advice. This website is mainly focused on the vegan diet for kids and for adults, but being gluten-free is also important when you want to eat really healthy so it is def worth talking about. 

gluten free

If you have noticed that gluten is something your child’s gut gets irritated by, could be constipation or for example flactulence, you do need to make some adjustments to the food you buy and the meals you make.

Because if their small little digestive systems keeps being irritated as a result of eating the wrong foods, it can really lead to serious problems later on.

Gluten Free Diet for Kids
Black bean spaghetti, anyone?

These days they make very nice lentil pasta, rice pasta, rice noodles, soy bean or buckwheat pasta and black bean spaghetti! So how about trying some of them out to find your familys favorite? Sometimes finding something that all family members like can be a challenge. Just experiment and see how it goes. 

Check the labels of products to make sure everything you buy is gluten-free. Oatmeal for example and cookies. 

I know these products can be quite on the expensive side compared to the regular stuff, that is why if you don't want to spend a fortune you could change up a bit the way you as a family eat. If you used to eat a lot of pasta, maybe now focus on rice or potatoes instead, or beans.

My children's meal plans are full of both plant-based and gluten-free recipes for kids. And you can also order one that is focused on only gluten-free eating, if that is most important to you. 

Asian type dishes are often totally gluten free as well as vegan. That is why both those on the vegan diet and the gluten free diet, will love Japanese food, Vietnamese dishes, Pho soup for example. Indian food too, just skip the nan bread.

green smoothie meMe having a green smootie. Parents also need to eat healthy so we can keep doing our best, day in and day out!

Me and my son often eat falafel. It is made of chickpeas and usually has no wheat in it. At the restaurant where we used to buy it in the past, you could get gluten-free pita bread for a small extra cost. And there are a few other sandwich places where they also have gluten-free bread options. For example a vegan burger place I really love. Do they have something like that where you live?

Gluten Free Diet for Kids Continued

I got this question from a teenager living in the US:

"I was diagnosed with celiac disease a while ago but I don't eat any specific way, should I?"

This was my response:

Yes, you should. If you were really diagnosed with this, then it's definitely nothing to play with. What are your favorite (healthy) foods? Is there something else you don't like or something you are allergic to?

"I like literally every type of food so don't worry about that at all and I'm not allergic to anything other than gluten!"

Okay, when we remove something from the diet we have to replace it with something. So when you don't eat anything with wheat flour in it anymore, it is good to have something else that is healthy that you like the taste of and that you can eat a lot of. Kind of like a new staple in your diet. That is why I was asking you what foods you like so we can start to mold your meal plan around those foods.

If your child needs help with going on an elimination diet to find out what else he or she might be intolerant to, I can help.

I am myself very sensitive to corn. My gut goes crazy after having it, so that is not something I eat at all.

Speaking of peanuts, here is some information that could be quite important if you have young children: It talks about how waiting to give peanuts until your child gets to a certain age might not be such a good idea after all. What? Yes, really.

Gluten Allergy in Kids

Did you know that a gluten allergy means a compromised digestive system. This can lead to a whole array of health problems later on in life. Get some help for this and your children will be able to tolerate gluten again - but the question is if you want them to eat products like that anyway? It's always better to focus on things that don't stick to the gut like glue! Which gluten can do. Quinoa, millet, rice and fresh produce sounds better to me.


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