Vegan DINNER IDEAS for Kids

Find great vegan dinner ideas for kids here - yummy plant-based diet dinner ideas for the whole family. For example super awesome veggie patties - vegan and even naturally oil-free and gluten-free. Beautiful healthy recipes for kids that can be used to make dinner-time a pleasurable experience would be great to have - peaceful and healthy family dinners, anyone?

They say you only need about 10 dinner recipes that sit well with your little ones and then you are fine! All you need to do after that is to rotate.

10 dishes they like. And then you just keep the recipes somewhere in the kitchen and always choose from there when you are planning what to make and you can also plan your shopping according to the recipes.

When searching for healthy recipes for kids you find a lot of websites with nice kid-friendly meals - but most of them contain animal products. I for example see so many chicken recipes for kids out there, and if you are vegetarian, vegan or mostly plant-based and your children are too, your natural reaction will be.. what's up with that?

So that's why I wanted to make this page here on dedicated to purley plant based meals.

Tip for kid-friendly dinner recipes:

Add just a little agave syrup to your dishes to make them even more kid friendly!

For example to your soups.

Here are some nice vegan dinner ideas for kids:

Super Healthy Veggie Patties

Stuffed Bell Peppers 

Healthy Vegan Pesto 

Tofu Sandwich

Super Healthy Veggie Soup

Mint Broccoli Soup

Coconut and Root Vegetable Soup  

Chickpea Soup 

Eggpant Patties 

Super Easy Boiled Corn

How to make an easy soup without a recipe:

All you do is boil or steam vegetables (adding some salt and spices if you wish), can be squash sweet potatoes, potatoes and celery, carrots... when done you use your stick blender to make them into a puree.

Use some of the water to make the soup less thick. Very easy. Salt and pepper and some spices are always welcome. unless your child is too young for that. 

The recipes here are plant-based and a lot of the time even raw vegan, like the smoothies, desserts and juices.

Veggie Patties

Healthy Chickpea Veggie Patties

Patties like these are one of the top vegan dinner ideas for kids. You can do so much with them, for example, make a yummy burger with bread, tomatoes and pickles and it will be so good.

When making these patties, you also don't need to do any frying so it's so much easier and takes less time. And you kitchen wont be smelling after frying!

You can have them together with potatoes, salad or rice or then of course use them to make "burgers".

The ingredient that might not be readily available in all store is parsnips, you can use a medium sized white potatoe instead.

You need 5 cans of chickpeas (or tetra packs). Remove the water and put the peas in a bowl.

I have found that it's easiest to use a stick blender to make them into a paste.

Add a little onion, parsley, grated carrot, parsnip and celery. Add some spices also. A little black pepper, some thyme and rosemary.

You can then blend everything again using a food processor or your stick blender. This step is important if you think your kids would prefer a very smooth consistency to one that is less smooth and where you clearly see pieces of carrot and parsnip. Otherwise just use your hands to mix everything together.

Most children like these. I used to make them when I worked for a while as a private chef for a family with two school-aged children. Both of them liked these patties and so do my own kids. You can always experiment a little bit with the ingredients, maybe there is something you need to leave out or something else you can add in, to make it extra delicious. 

Making the patties
plant based burgers

More VegAn Dinner Ideas for Kids

Here is one soup I made recently that my son really liked:



This is how I made the soup:

I cut one head of broccoli into small pieces and boiled it for a few minutes only, just until soft with some seasoned water, I used salt, pepper, paprika powder and some cumin as seasoning and an organic vegetable stock cube.

Then I added in

2 handfuls of mint leaves

1 bag or box of fresh baby spinach

Half a teaspoon of honey.

I used a stick blender to blend it all really well and then I garnished it with a few mint leaves.

What is child-friendly about it? The mint! Most kids like that taste.

My son ate all of it! To be honest, I first thought he wouldn't because it was so green!

Veggie Soup

You can also make a nice veggie soup out of almost the same ingredients as the patties you also find here on this page.

Basically all you do is cut the vegetables and place them in a pot with organic vegetable stock.

You can choose to add some chickpeas or lentils to make it more filling, but you don't have to.

Last time I made this one I only used veggies, no legumes. I think I will make it tomorrow again. I just have to go out in the morning to get a few things, like celery for example.

Vegetable Soup

Yesterday my son asked me: "Did you know it is possible to eat fifty fruits a day?"

Then he went on: "Why don't we eat 50 fruits a day? Could we do that? Could you buy that many? Oh wait... that would be 100 fruits in total - because we are two people, would it be too expensive? Could you at least buy 10 fruits a day for me?"

I think he got inspired by watching some YouTube videos of this one skateboarder who eats mostly fruits and not that much else.

Fruit in our kitchen

At the moment, this is how our kitchen table looks. But, because of my son's request, by the end of the day our table will be even more packed.

A few good reasons to give your child opportunities to have fruit and berries several times a day:

Berries and Fruit for Kids 

Children like all the colors of fruit and berries and all the different flavors too. Because of this they are drawn to colorful juice, yogurts and candy.

Apples, oranges, grapefruits - best foods for dissolving mucus.

Blueberries and mangoes are also amazing for kids - the health benefits are endless!

I want blueberries! I want grapes! I want strawberries!

- never say, you want strawberries? That's just too expensive. Because there could be a nutritional reason behind the request. Get some and skip something else that's on your shopping list instead.



When visiting familes, I've noticed that there are some very nice non-slip cups and plates that people have at home, usually for toddles. Since I'm from Finland I like the Muumi children's dinner sets. But you probably don't even know who he is?

He is a little troll who lives with his family and friends. He loves the summers and he usually sleeps through the winters, like the rest of his family. But one winter he accidentally wakes up in the middle of winter and sees all the snow, something he has bever seen before. There are books and cartoons about him. There are plates and cups for toddlers with a lot of different themes, so you might like something that's more familiar to you or maybe it can be as simple as choosing your child's favorite color. Anything for them to sit at the table just a little longer and get all those nutrients they need.


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